MMA Global, Smarties NEXT! Conference – 11.12.2023

. Invited Talk: NEXT! in Ethical Future Shaping the Future ResponsiblyABOUT THE TALK:‘In this enlightening session, Dr. Cansu Canca, founder and director of AI Ethics Lab, will delve into the ethical considerations crucial for responsible future shaping. Gain insights into […]

Iron Mountain interviews Cansu Canca

‘During a recent Iron Mountain Executive Exchange event, Cansu Canca, Founder + Director of AI Ethics Lab spoke about the topic of responsible AI and ethics by design. Dr. Canca shared her perspective on how organizations should be building ethics into their AI systems. There was so much to discuss that she later sat down with Iron Mountain to carry on the conversation.’

27th Annual Thomas Pitts Lectureship in Medical Ethics – 19.2.2021

“The Thomas A. Pitts Lectureship in Medical Ethics is an educational series in biomedical
ethics that brings together a group of scholars each year to explore a particular area of biomedical ethics and health policy.
The 27th Annual Lectureship addresses ‘Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Ethical Implications’.”

Article: ‘Operationalizing AI Ethics Principles’ published @ Communications of the ACM


Article available online! 📄
“In any given set of AI principles, one finds a wide range of concepts like privacy, transparency, fairness, and autonomy. Such a list mixes core principles that have intrinsic values with instrumental principles whose function is to protect these intrinsic values. […] Understanding these categories and their relation to each other is the key to operationalizing AI principles that can inform both developers and organizations.”
(forthcoming in December “Communications of the ACM” Computing Ethics column)

Applause, Webinar – 30.7.2020

“In this webinar, Cansu Canca (Founder & Director of AI Ethics Lab) and Laura Haaber Ihle (Associate Research Fellow at AI Ethics Lab & Harvard University) discuss biases in AI, the importance of tackling them, and how to do so in the best possible way.”

Women Leading in AI, Global Conversation – 21.7.2020

“A global conversation on governance, ethics, and regulations around AI. It is crucial we engage in this conversation now in the transition to post-Covid emergency world, where automation and digitisation have been / are progressing at rocket speed.”

Etik Değerlendirme: Coronathon Türkiye

AI Ethics Lab olarak Coronathon Türkiye’ye verdiğimiz destek kapsamında, kazanan projelere etik danışmanlık sunduk ve projeleri etik açıdan değerlendirdik.
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As AI Ethics Lab, we contributed to the Coronathon Turkey initiative by offering ethics consultation to the projects that won grants.

Harvard Global Health Institute + MIT Critical Data, Data Science & AI Summit for Health – 7.7.2020 🎥

[ 🎥 = video available ]
“In many countries around the world, COVID-related restrictions put in place to curb the spread of the virus are now being lifted. For policymakers, innovators, and researchers who quickly leveraged digital tools and AI as part of the acute response, this could mean re-thinking and pivoting priorities. As the world transitions to the next phase of response and beyond, the question remains: what is the role of digital tools and AI in a post-pandemic world?”

Colombia Association of Radiology, Academic Sessions – 24.6.2020

As AI technologies increasingly become a part of healthcare in general and radiology in particular, ethical decisions embedded into these technologies become crucial. In this talk, we will explore the ethical risks in research and development of AI technologies and how these risks can be addressed throughout the innovation process using examples within radiology.

Science of Intelligence & Present Futures Forum, Berlin – 23.6.2020

“The panel will discuss how AI can be used to predict future behavior and how to identify and address ethical and moral conundrums. Examples for how this technology is already being applied range from AI-based sentencing, policing, determination of insurance rates, conducting of job interviews etc. Whose responsibility is it to assess the social and societal impact of these applications? At what point do ethics come into play? Do they ever? If so, what are some of the concerns? Will ethics help, or do we need regulation and legal frameworks?”