Harvard University, Public Safety Summit – 12-14.4.2019


Invited Talk: Artificial Intelligence – the Potential in Policing and the Ethical Questions


About the summit:

“Around the globe, progressive public safety leaders are moving the needle on innovation – they’re designing new policing services, building new digital operating models, and fostering new organizational cultures. Yet amidst all the innovation and change one element is imperative: Solid results require leaders to sustain transformation.


To help public safety leaders meet the challenge of sustaining transformation, Leadership for a Networked World and the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard, in collaboration with Mark43, are convening The 2019 Public Safety Summit: Sustaining Transformation to be held April 12 – 14 at Harvard University.”

AI – the Potential in Policing and the Ethical Questions


“AI is primed to change the way we work, analyze data, and make predictions across industries and sectors. In policing, progressive leaders are exploring opportunities ranging from AI-driven facial recognition, to new tools for video analysis, to strategies to gather practical insights on traffic patterns for first responders. However, technological advances and leaps in efficiencies, come with new perils and risks.

How can leaders harness the new capabilities of AI while avoiding the pitfalls? What steps should leaders to take to maintain and enhance community relationships and legitimacy as they introduce controversial innovations that may have unintended consequences? During this session, subject matter experts and visionaries will share reflections on new possibilities with machine learning, the ethics of introducing AI, and policy implications. Together, we will reflect on pacing experimentation and lessons learned through adoption.”



  • Cansu Canca, AI Ethics Lab
  • Chris Fisher, Seattle Police Department
  • Orlando Rolón, Orlando Police Department


More about the summit


Date and time: 12–14 April 2019



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