Responding to IBM’s Question: What we don’t talk about when we talk about AI


In their January 2019 issue, IBM Industrious magazine asked women in AI ethics one hard question:

“What conversations about AI are we not having — but should?”


Read their response @ Industrious Magazine (issue 4)


Asking women featured in Lighthouse3’s CEO Mia Dand‘s list of “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics to Follow in 2019 and beyond“, Industrious compiled answers from female leaders in the area including Francesca Rossi, AI Ethics Global Leader at IBM, Meredith Broussard, NYU Professor and Data Journalist, Karina Vold, AI Researcher at the Centre for the Future of Intelligence at Cambridge University, and AI Ethics Lab’s Director and Moral Philosopher Cansu Canca.

To read their response, download Industrious here.


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